The Design Deck




I am a follower of Kickstarter, which is a site that individuals and companies can post on to ask the public for a backing to start off their project. While I was on this site I came across this project that is great for any designer whether you are experienced or not. It is a deck of cards with bite-size information about graphic design.

It is a great concept and one that people should get behind, you never know it may turn up in our Christmas stocking.

If you would like to help or find out more information, click here.

The money was raised and they are now available at for $22.00 CAD.

Lesley Gulliver


Group Photo

My year group was fortunate to have a guest speaker the other week called Lesley Gulliver, she has 20 years of experience in the creative industry. Gulliver has worked with many household brands as well as other companies that aren’t so big. Over the years Gulliver has worked for agencies, herself (she had her own business and founded What Could Be.), the Design Council and The Engine Room. To this day Gulliver works with the Design Council to help business see the importance of what good design can do their company along side of being an instrumental part of The Engine Room.

Gulliver talked to us about what it is like outside the comforts of University, she stated that it can be very exciting, rewarding, tough, competitive and business-focused. Plus many things could go wrong and right in the hectic world of design.

Gulliver informed us how we tend to win over clients and prospective employers. This is how to do it:

  • Empathy
  • Business Understanding – what are they trying to achieve?
  • Client management skills
  • Relationship management skills
  • Can-do-attitude
  • A safe pair of hands
  • Good reporting

It was an important experience that has helped me to understand this industry and how the world works.